Crips to the Front

Disability in Punk and DIY music.

Cripple Punk Mag is and will always be pay what you can, no one turned away for lack of funds. However, your support means an investment in disabled arts and culture, and the ability to bring you better, higher quality work more regularly. As an entirety self funded project, your support also directly translates into paying our contributors.

Thank you for supporting independent disabled art.

Cripple Punk Mag is run by Merlin Sabal, a disabled writer, artist and organizer

Logo by @partiallypoison

Cripple Punk was coined in 2014 by Tyler Trewhella (RIP)

Plus many more amazing contributors


Payment starts at $10 and is dependent on length and sliding scale based on need. There is no fee to submit.

300-1000 words. Previously published works accepted.

Writers will retain all rights to their work. Please credit Cripple Punk Mag as a first publication site as appropriate.

Seeking: Essays, criticism, news and reviews, literary nonfiction, fiction, rants and raves, comics, and beyond

Submit to Cripple Punk Mag

Subscribe to Cripple Punk Mag

Accessibility in Local & DIY Music


Disability in Punk and DIY Music